Assessment & Monitoring

At CCG Catalyst, we help you evaluate and improve your risk & compliance program to meet the changing needs and expectations of your business and regulators. We offer a range of services to help you assess, monitor, and enhance your program, such as:

  • Compliance Risk Assessment: We help you identify and measure the compliance risks associated with your products, services, and processes, and provide recommendations to mitigate them.
  • Compliance Monitoring: We perform regular reviews of your compliance controls and activities to ensure they are effective and aligned with your risk profile. We also provide feedback and guidance to help you address any gaps or issues.
  • Corporate Governance: We help you establish and maintain a strong governance framework that supports your compliance objectives and culture. We review and advise on your board oversight, management review, strategic planning, capital planning, compensation design, and business systems and processes.
  • Board Oversight Review: We help banks evaluate the effectiveness of their board oversight and governance processes and provide recommendations for improvement. We review the board’s role, structure, composition, skills, diversity, culture, and engagement, as well as the board’s oversight of risk appetite, strategy, policies, controls, reporting, and assurance. We also help banks benchmark their board practices against industry best practices and regulatory expectations.
  • Management Review: We help banks assess the capabilities and performance of their senior management team and provide feedback and coaching for enhancement. We review the management’s alignment with the board’s vision and strategy, the management’s leadership style, communication, decision-making, delegation, accountability, and risk culture. We also help banks identify and develop talent pipelines and succession plans for key management positions.
  • Strategic Planning, Profit Plans, and Budgets: We help banks develop and execute sound and realistic strategic plans, profit plans, and budgets, which align with their risk appetite and market opportunities. We help banks define their vision, mission, values, goals, and objectives, and translate them into actionable plans and initiatives. We also help banks monitor and measure their progress and performance, and adjust their plans and budgets as needed.
  • Capital Planning: We help banks optimize their capital structure, allocation, and ensure that they meet their regulatory capital requirements and internal capital targets. We help banks assess their current and projected capital adequacy andidentify and quantify their capital risks and buffers. We also help banks design and implement capital management strategies and policies and conduct stress testing and scenario analysis.
  • Compensation Review and Design Initiatives; We help banks design and implement fair and effective compensation programs and practices that align with their risk appetite, strategy, performance, and culture. We help banks review their current compensation structure, philosophy, and governance, and identify any gaps or misalignments. We also help banks develop and implement compensation plans and incentives that balance risk and reward and motivate and retain talent.
  • Business Systems / Process Improvement and Profitability Enhancement: We help banks improve their business systems and processes and enhance their profitability and efficiency. We help banks identify and eliminate waste, duplication, and errors, and streamline and automate their workflows and operations. We also help banks leverage data and technology to improve their customer experience, product and service offerings, and competitive advantage.
  • Corporate Reorganization and Restructuring: We help you navigate the compliance implications of any organizational changes, such as mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, or restructuring. We assist you with due diligence, integration, transition, and optimization of your compliance program.

With our assessment and monitoring services, you can ensure that your compliance program is robust, efficient, and responsive to your business needs and regulatory environment. Contact us today.

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Meet our leader

Paul Schaus

Paul Schaus

Managing Partner

As Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer he leads a successful team of subject matter experts. Throughout his successful career Paul has been a banker, management consultant, strategist, thought leader and strong advocate to the financial services industry.

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If you are interested in learning more about our bank consulting services, or if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you and working with you.

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