Strategy Advisory Services for Banks

Strategy Advisory Services for Banks


The banking industry is undergoing rapid and profound changes, driven by technological innovation, customer expectations, regulatory pressures, and new competitors. To succeed in this dynamic environment, banks need to have a clear and coherent strategy that aligns with their vision, values, and capabilities. However, developing and implementing a strategy is not an easy task. It requires a deep understanding of the market, the customer, the competition, and the internal strengths and weaknesses of the bank. It also requires a willingness to challenge the status quo, embrace change, and invest in the future.

That’s where CCG Catalyst can help. As leading subject matter experts, we can provide strategy advisory services that help our clients define, design, and deliver their strategic objectives. CCG Catalyst consultant can bring a fresh perspective, a wealth of experience, and a proven methodology to help banks navigate the complex and uncertain landscape of the banking industry. At CCG Catalyst we will help you execute your strategy effectively, by providing support, guidance, and oversight throughout the implementation process.


CCG Catalyst supports the development strategy in six key areas: Technology, Payments, Digital, Business, Operations, and Lending. These areas are interrelated and interdependent and require a holistic and integrated approach to strategy development. Here is a brief overview of each area and how a consultant can help.

  • Technology: Technology is the backbone of the banking industry, and a key driver of innovation, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. CCG Catalyst can assess your current technology infrastructure, identify gaps and opportunities, and design a technology roadmap that supports your business goals and customer needs. CCG Catalyst can also help select, implement, and optimize the best technology solutions for your specific context, such as core system, core moderation, digital, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and data analytics.
  • Payments: Payments are the core function of the banking industry, and a source of revenue, differentiation, and customer loyalty. CCG Catalyst will support the development of a payments strategy that leverages your existing assets, enhances your value proposition, and expands your market reach. At CCG Catalyst we help banks navigate the evolving payments ecosystem, by helping you understand the trends, regulations, and players that shape the payments landscape, and by helping you partner, collaborate, or compete with them.
  • Digital: Digital is the new normal for the banking industry, and a key enabler of innovation, convenience, and personalization. CCG Catalyst can develop a digital strategy that transforms your customer experience, your business model, and your culture. At CCG Catalyst we support banks in the implementation of your digital strategy, by advising in the design and launch of digital products and services, optimize your digital channels and platforms, and foster a digital mindset and culture.
  • Business: Your business planning is the essence of the banking industry, and a source of growth, profitability, and sustainability. CCG Catalyst will advise your bank on the development of your business strategy that aligns with your vision, mission, and values, and that reflects their market position, competitive advantage, and growth potential. At CCG Catalyst we help with the execution of your business strategy, by defining and measuring your key performance indicators (KPIs), manage your risks and compliance, and optimize your capital and resources.
  • Operations: Operations are the backbone of the banking industry, and a key driver of efficiency, quality, and reliability. A CCG Catalyst consultant can help banks develop an operations strategy that streamlines their processes, improves their productivity, and reduces their costs. At CCG Catalyst we also help banks implement their operations strategy, by helping them automate, standardize, and manage their operations, and by helping them monitor and improve their operational performance and resilience.
  • Lending: Lending is the core function of the banking industry, and a source of income, differentiation, and customer retention. A CCG Catalyst consultant can help banks develop a lending strategy that balances their risk and return, and that meets their customer needs and expectations. At CCG Catalyst we help banks implement their lending strategy, by helping them design and offer lending products and services, solution utilized, optimize their credit decision and underwriting processes, and manage their loan portfolio and collections.

What are the Benefits of Core Moderation?

  • Improved operational efficiency and cost reduction: Core moderation can help banks
    streamline their processes, automate their workflows, and optimize their resources. By
    reducing the complexity and redundancy of the core systems, banks can lower their
    operational costs, enhance their performance, and increase their profitability.
  • Enhanced customer experience and loyalty: Core moderation can help banks deliver
    faster, smarter, and more convenient services to their customers across multiple channels and devices. By enabling data-driven insights, personalization, and innovation,
    banks can improve their customer satisfaction, retention, and loyalty.
  •  Increased agility and scalability: Core moderation can help banks adapt to the changing
    market conditions, customer expectations, and regulatory requirements. By leveraging
    cloud-based, modular, and open architectures, banks can increase their flexibility,
    scalability, and resilience. They can also accelerate their time to market and launch new
    products and services more easily.
  • Greater security and compliance: Core moderation can help banks protect their data,
    assets, and customers from cyberattacks, fraud, and other risks. By implementing
    modern security standards, protocols, and technologies, banks can enhance their
    security posture and compliance capabilities.


Strategy advisory services are essential for banks that want to thrive in the fast-changing and competitive banking industry. At CCG Catalyst we advise banks on development and implementing their strategy in six key areas: Technology, Payments, Digital, Business, Operations, and Lending. By doing so, at CCG Catalyst we advise banks to achieve their strategic goals, enhance their customer value, and improve their performance.

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Meet our leader

Paul Schaus

Paul Schaus

Managing Partner

As Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer he leads a successful team of subject matter experts. Throughout his successful career Paul has been a banker, management consultant, strategist, thought leader and strong advocate to the financial services industry.

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If you are interested in learning more about our bank consulting services, or if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you and working with you.

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